Are You Suffering From Millage Fatigue?
By Kenneth Cooper Maybe the mayor should try another approach. Some sort of scare tactic. Approve the firefighters’ millage or sit back while some of them die waiting on…
Citizens Deserve an Explanation from Legislators and the Governor Before They Ask For Any More Money
By Kenneth Cooper The Louisiana state budget is an abstraction, a series of dollar signs and digits existing on a computer screen or piece of paper. Taken as a whole,…
Give Us Symbolism or We Will Be Offended
By Kenneth Cooper It will begin with a caption: While the President Played Golf, a True Leader Comforted the Stricken, Toured the Devastation Cued will be a picture of Donald…
How to Tell if Black People Are Over Reacting to Police Interactions
By Jeff Thomas You how you hear about a police shooting of an unarmed black man and you wonder if rioting will result. Or if you hear that a white…
“What is Justice to Black people in America?”
By: Urban League of Louisiana The relationship between the law enforcement community and the African American community has been strained. Contrary to the commonly expressed belief that the values of…
Twelve Ideas Post-Election from Front Line Organizers
By Bill Quigley. Bill is a human rights lawyer who teaches at Loyola University New Orleans. When you find yourself in a suddenly darkened room, what do you do? Some…
Eighteen Examples of Racism in America’s Criminal Legal System
By Bill Quigley Bill teaches law at Loyola University New Orleans and can be reached at Racism may well be the biggest crime in the criminal legal system.…
Stop Gentrification in New Orleans
By Jeff Thomas Gentrification – the process of renewal and rebuilding accompanying the influx of middle-class or affluent people into deteriorating areas that displaces poorer residents – is in full…
What Is Confirmation Bias?
Wishful thinking By Shahram Chesham Ph.D. Imagine that you have tried to reach a friend (with whom you have an ambivalent relationship) by phone (or email), leaving messages, yet have…
Eliminate All Bonds for Non-Violent Offenses
By Jeff Thomas There was a time people smoked in the office at work. Ashtrays were everywhere. Cigarette companies were the biggest sponsors of the image conscious NFL. The Marlboro…