Local High School #19 in America
Most Influential Private High Schools in the US
We’ve identified the 50 top US private high schools based on the accumulative influence of their alumni. Influence is based on web traffic analysis and citations of alumni associated with these high schools.
By AI Staff
One of the most important decisions parents will ever make is the decision about where and how to educate their child. With educational opportunities in the US including top private schools, public schools, virtual learning, homeschooling, and boarding schools, the options can be overwhelming. Once parents have narrowed down the options and decided that a private high school education is the best fit for their child, the sheer number of private schools in the US can be daunting. There are 34,576 private schools in America serving over four million students according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
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When choosing a private school, parents need to consider the academic rigor of the curriculum, the education level of the faculty, the relationships schools have built with colleges and universities, alumni outcomes, and the level of individualized care each student receives. The schools outlined below have been ranked as the top private high schools in the US because they exceed parent and student expectations and foster an environment where students thrive and receive preparation for the next stage in their academic careers.
See The Entire National Rankings LIST