A Millennial Rant about a Global Pandemic
Part 1
by Jordan Rock
I’ve been with America through a lot of crises. Let me rephrase that. I’m a Millennial. I was born back in ’92, and I’ve seen America go through the ringer time and time again since then. I watched the World Trade Center fall, I watched my home get destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. I witnessed the bailout of Wall Street and the housing crisis, and I’ve watched the minimum wage stay depressingly static as everything in the world gets more and more expensive.

Folks in my generation got out into the adult world just in time for the economy to tank, taking most of our prospects of homeownership with them. For many of us, it is a foregone conclusion that unless we somehow experience one of those phony rags to riches stories, we’ll be paying absurdly high rent and student loans for the rest of our lives, and that’s just the way things are. This struggle has been woven into the fabric of our reality. Pinching and scrimping to get by as the American middle class fades away with the America dream is simply the state of things.
This is not data, this is simply the impression one gets from growing into this situation among members of my generation. A simple sentiment; the economy is bad, and everyone in a position of power over your life; from your landlord, to your boss to your state representative wants nothing more than to bleed you dry for everything you’re worth. Your only option is to push forward and try to build a better future with the crumbs left in your bank account after your monthly expenses.
That’s the vibe of my generation; this exhausted, pessimistic, bleary eyed state. No one wants to be a working stiff, but there are so many barriers for entry into anything resembling a stable living and working situation that many just suck it up and do what they have to do. Plans for the future become survival tactics instead of aspirations. Great expectations give way to communal efforts to fight against the poverty that we’re being ground into.
And I know that sounds depressing, because it Is, but let me tell you, even with all the pessimistic expectations I could muster, I nor anyone else I know could have been ready for the Covid-19 pandemic. And, judging by the state of the country, the rest of America wasn’t ready either.

There’s a lot of factors to consider when talking about the times we’re living in and how we got here, but right now I just want to focus on how it feels to be an adult pushing 30 during a viral outbreak.
No matter how much garbage has been dumped on the American populace in the last couple of decades, there was always the promise that things would eventually settle into the grinding status quo of modern America.
Not this time. There is nothing normal about this situation. Because we live in the information age, we have the astounding luxury of glimpsing how the rest of the world is dealing with the pandemic.
At the time of writing this, the death toll from corona virus cases in the United States sits at 76,938. That dwarfs the next highest death count from Spain, which is 26,070.
To put it simply, no developed nation has a higher death toll than the United States. Not a single one.
I don’t want to launch into some alarmist, apocalyptic screed about these numbers. The world will defeat this virus. I truly believe that. It’s only matter of time. What bothers me is that I’m not surprised at how badly the United States is handling this nightmare, nor is everyone I’ve asked. The American government’s lack of responsibility for its people in this crisis borders on satire. That is to say, this would all be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Over the course of the next few articles, I’m going to talk about how I think we got here, and try to quantify what it feels like to live in the America of 2020. Check back in a week as I stare into the horrifying and hilarious state of contemporary American life during the corona virus pandemic.
You get it and btw-
***Hypothesis: Everything has Agenda and Motive!- Definition of Conspiracy: 1 : the
act of “conspiring together” 2 : an agreement among conspirators, plot/end
Webster/ Therefore- A Plot is Evil and some are not!!! Ignorance is a Profound Plot and
Lot!!! Hate it when poor intellects and Benedict Arnold’s tell war stories about what
they betrayed during Service at War!
LBRC- Knowledge is Power!!! Think Then You Decide!!!
Summary and Background Info:
***Doctors are fallible***, Duh???
The very last thing we need to be in 2020 is “Ignorant”! “He would not
have us ignorant”! However, let’s talk “Science Research and Evidence
Review” as opposed to “So- called Conspiracy Theories” which may in fact
be “Evidence”! Let’s pause and question if in fact What was once “On The
Drawing Board has in fact found its way off”!
1. FACT vs FICTION (btw- Whenever Media Desires to move The Herd, it Introduces so-
called “Experts”! The Herd hears then follows because they “Heard”!!!
Especially effective is when sycophants and “False Flatterers” aka non
independent thinkers co- sign applications and propositions of so- called experts
“Carte Blanche”, to include but not limited to those in fields of Science! Look
up “Operation Paper Clip”, whereby German 3rd Reich/Realm Doctors were pardoned
for “Crimes Against Humanity”, just like those of Nuremberg and brought to the
US. They picked up where they left off in Germany (Genetic Experiments) and even expanded
their research in the US with the blessings of government! Mengula, Von Braun via Paper
Clip, right? Note: Just like it is said “Iron Sharpens Iron”, it often takes
“Qualified and Commensurate Intellects like “yours” to evaluate “The
Validity and Reliability” of like kind! Why Science Principles and acceptance begins
and ends with “Peer Review”!!! (btw- The Most High has “Strategically
Placed” his Gifted and Select so as none can claim ignorance, as their clutch, in
these Last of Days!). Let’s talk “Science”! …
2. “How do we explain that identical twins (having the same genome) may differ
phenotypically and not develop the same illnesses?” The Epigenetic Factors with
respect to an evolving Genome is all but foreign to some so- called
Hypothesis #2 Regarding Covid- 19 from 0- 19? Viruses “Mutate and Anti Bodies vary
in effectiveness over time”, why “Boosters” come into play, right?
Therefore, none can say or identify “Definitively” every
“Synergistic” relationship from its genesis on thru every cause and effect it
has on “Body Systems”! for example “The Pediatric Multi System Failures,
prominently featured in 2020! Has Covid turned on a Gene non related to common Covid
Manifestations? Therefore, Covid has more far reaching implications uncommon to lay
and/or professional eyes!
Pediatric Multi System Failure?
3. The DNA sequence is our destiny – have you ever wondered about this statement? Is
the development of genetics the last step to finally knowing who we really are? With the
genetic revolution of the twentieth century and the rapid development of technology, the
world hoped to find answers to these questions. This enthusiasm has resulted in many
discoveries, including why we have blue eyes, where albinism comes from and whether each
of us can be born with cystic fibrosis. The cherry on top was a 10-year project of
learning about the human genome – over 3 billion bricks (the so-called pairs of
principles) defining man both as ***a species, but also as an individual.*** After some
time, however, the euphoria subsided and ***”scientists began to consider the
possibility that discovering genes and linking them with traits, diseases and behaviors
is only a prelude to the arrangement of this extremely complex puzzle”***, which is
Homo sapiens. How do we explain that identical twins (having the same genome) may differ
phenotypically and not develop the same illnesses? Or why are the cells of our body so
diverse although they originate from the same zygote that originated with fertilization?
***>>>A relatively new subfield of biology – epigenetic – comes to the
EPIGENETIC deals with changes in gene expression not resulting directly from mutations of
DNA sequences, which lead to the formation of inherited traits both intra-generationally
and inter-generationally. Let’s imagine a beehive. Within a hive, all bees are
genetically identical. So how do worker bees, soldier bees and queen bees come into being
from the same genome? The answer lies in the diet: larvae receiving pollen develop into
worker bees, and those who receive royal jelly become queens. How is it possible?
The DNA sequence is our destiny – have you ever wondered about this statement? Is the
development of genetics the last step to finally knowing who we really are? With the
genetic revolution of the twentieth century and the rapid development of technology, the
world hoped to find answers to these questions. This enthusiasm has resulted in many
discoveries, including why we have blue eyes, where albinism comes from and whether each
of us can be born with cystic fibrosis. The cherry on top was a 10-year project of
learning about the human genome – over 3 billion bricks (the so-called pairs of
principles) defining man both as a species, but also as an individual. After some time,
however, the euphoria subsided and scientists began to consider the possibility that
discovering genes and linking them with traits, diseases and behaviors is only a prelude
to the arrangement of this extremely complex puzzle, which is Homo sapiens. How do we
explain that identical twins (having the same genome) may differ phenotypically and not
develop the same illnesses? Or why are the cells of our body so diverse although they
originate from the same zygote that originated with fertilization? A relatively new
subfield of biology – epigenetics – comes to the rescue.
4. Politics vs Science? Research is heavily depending on "Funding"! Government
is heavy in Research Funding"! Therefore and to often, Science will acquiesce to
Research Mandates of "Government Agendas", some secret! Don't get this twisted,
lots of Grants are awarded for various studies by government and others, plus Data and
Research is what it is! "Never Discount Motives, Agendas", least of not which
are "Professional Egos"!!!
5. Beware?
a. Never discount "Motive" in everything, Napoleon Hill says! Beware!
b. Always beware "False Narrative Propagation"! Light Travels at approx. 186K
Miles per./sec. However, Electrons are so small and traveling at The Speed of Light- In a
Circuit, it takes them approx. "1 hr." to move (Propagate like Train Cars) just
1 cm. of distance!!! Meaning? Propaganda is a process whereby Truth dies by a thousand
cuts/Propagations and never all at once!!! Goebbels knew this and so does Evil and its
2020 Version to include but not limited to "Sycophants, Gift of Gabbers and The
Intellectually inept", ubiquitous in 2020, especially on TV/Radio!!!
6. Research what we post! Ignorance travels faster internationally than Truth can tie its
Shoe Laces!
7. 1 Title said- "Son of The Most High"! A 2nd Title said Dr. King! Which was
spared the sting of murder? Truth, the Title which really matters, is perpetually a
target! The Point? "Titles are not The be All to end all", especially those of
mere mortals, with lesser degrees and works, pun intended, of so- called Divinity or
Lay!!! Study!!! Never get it twisted- Esteemed and earned designations are great and are
to be celebrated and applauded (We've earned a few and get it aka thankless "Hard
Work"! Why we resent neophytes, amateurs and wannabe's"!). The most difficult
task we find is separating out the "Ego"!
This is for your rare intellect Jordan!!!
LBRC- Eugenics 3.0 ?
What are some “Research” Medical Doctors and Surgeons saying after opening lots
of bodies? You are responsible for you now! Ignorance is no longer an excuse in 2020!
Don’t follow or be herded into Stupid! Did you have fun at The Mardi Gras? Who do you
trust? If you’re not a Critical and Independent Thinker or member of The Herd ? God help
you!!! 5G is here…, yes- They’re here…….ear!!!
a. Formerly- Our job in Central Office/ Orleans Parish Schools? We set up, organized and
inspected Chemistry, Biology, Physics Labs in Orleans Parish, La.
Chemistry Teachers are exceptionally vulnerable to “Liability”, especially in
classes with too many Short Attention Spans! “Only Quality Schools” in 2020
really “Teach” Chemistry, experiments included, and only students
intellectually capable and have Discipline! Most are “Non Public” sorry to say!
(How does the “Poorest Americans”, Negro, some with a Median Net Worth of
$8/Boston afford a Private Education? The rest of most are mostly ‘Stuntun!!!). All of
our team of 5, were “Certified” in their fields with Graduate Degrees, all
with “Multiple Certifications”! Some of us left NOLA for Hollywood and Austin
Film Consultant positions and Teaching Films Science Related. “1” earned a
special recognition from AMPAS at the ceremony. Met lots of High Profile Movie Scientist,
AMPAS Winners and other “Real Scientist”, learned lots and ongoing!
“Average is Clueless!!!
b. Our job also was to safely remove and dispose of (We used The Plasma Furnace at DOW
Chemical in Baton Rouge prior to year 2000 for Disposal) “All” Cancer Causing
Chemicals and Kid Toxins like Mercuric Oxide, Formaldehyde, Benzene and other toxins
already present in old labs, plus we re- labeled acid bottles which had their labels
eaten off by what was inside.
We also conducted Workshops for Teachers on how to organize their labs! We can just about
do it Blind Folded !We checked each other. We were disbanded! Why? Prior to current
times, Chemistry was a given course! In 2020, most kids and adults are so dumbed down,
“Fundamental Science” is a “Conspiracy” and they believe this! They are so illiterate, Fundamental Science Concepts sounds to them like a Star Trek Episode intended to entertain!
c. The RSD experiment , majority Negro, is doing irreparable damage!!! Parents might as
well be dropping their kids into Volcanoes, and Negroes chasing bags and titles, HNIC,
are complicit! Parents are so detached and ignorant aka “Do not know”- They are
for all intents and purposes “Lemmings and Mendicants”, the herd, easily
identifiable to literate minds! Radio and TV is not their friend! Compounding issues are
“Drug Injections” of “Unknown Origins”! These are “Corrupted Spirits” and lost Souls!
1. ?
2. Operation Day Lilly. ?
3. Project Mocking Bird?