by Kala Hathorne
Have you ever failed at something in life not once but twice? You found yourself consumed, determined, and faithful towards a specific goal, but once again you came up short. As thoughts of discouragement consumed your mind, you started to entertain the idea of giving up. If you found yourself answering yes to the questions above you and I were once in the same boat.
What I have learned through experiencing failure is that failure is only final once you give up.
A couple of years ago, I found myself bound by the manifestation of failure in my life. It seemed as though my purpose in life was so far out of reach. And that the very thought of experiencing success was impossible. I failed my first year of college, and my finances were in a disarray. My personal relationships were hanging on by a thread. My overall quality of life declined drastically. The thought of picking up the pieces was too much to bear, so I became distracted and discouraged. I began to swim in the abyss of comparison.

Success is Never Ending and Failure is Never Final
Somewhere deep down inside of myself I knew that God had a purpose for me, but it seemed so far out of reach. I knew that there had to be something greater underneath the blanket of failure that heavily rested upon me. So, I mustered up the little courage that I had left and continued to press forward. Deciding to move on in spite of my shortcomings was difficult indeed, but in the end I knew it was necessary.
On my journey to press on, I discovered that just because you may have a rough start doesn’t mean you have to have a rough finish. So, many great leaders and game changers we recognize and celebrate today didn’t start out in the most ideal circumstances. Oprah Winfrey was not deemed fit for television by a producer on her first job, but that didn’t stop her from seeing her vision through. Michael Jordan, one of the most celebrated athletes in modern history was cut from his High School basketball team. Jordan’s persistence after he failed led to his setback becoming a setup for his greatest comeback.
So, remember that failure is the foundation to success. Failure is necessary, it is a teacher that we never stop learning from. Failure is a constant tool and reminder that we are on track towards something greater than ourselves.
As I conclude my message, I leave you with the words of the astute leader and motivator Les Brown in saying, “In life when you fall, fall on your back, because if you can look up then you can get up”. So, keep falling, keep rising, and in the midst of it all stay encouraged. Always remember that failure is never final.