Mobile COVID-19 Testing
8 am to 3 pm
Thursday May 7 – Saturday May 9th
Franklin Avenue Baptist Church
8181 Lake Forest Avenue.
Residents should enter on the Lake Forest side of the church
The Source for Independent Thought and Analysis
Residents should enter on the Lake Forest side of the church
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Our kids have Genius! They’re tested beyond patience each day in Cuckoo Nest!!!
A Positive Contribution to whom it is given…
LBRC- It has been put into our Hearts to assist Parents at Home attempting to assist
“Kid Geniuses” are trapped in Cuckoo Nest! Here’s help! What are they talking
about aka DNA? DNA is sugar (The Good 1), phosphates, Amnio Acids (Chains of Polypeptides
not difficult to comprehend once a Genius like you directed when you read) and yada…!
Negro are the most poorly educated in Genetics!!! Here’s the Skinny”- THINK
Factories, Highways, Supervisors, Power Plants and workers…-
1. DNA is a product which defines who you are during production! Where is the
“Factory” Located? Ans. in Cells, Nuclear Bodies, eggs, sperm! What do cells do
and are capable of? Ans. Reproduction via “Cell Division” aka Mitosis and
Meiosis, Sexual Cell Division!!! Question? Who are the Supervisors?
2. RNA is a “High Ranking” CEO, CFA!!! What does RNA do, “The
3. RNA receives what “Ribosomes” synthesis aka where DNA is produced and
transmits it to the “Entire Community”, body! RNA gets its
“Instructions” from DNA! RNA “copies” ‘Dat than transmits
“Every” DNA instruction via transcription!!! RNA is like distributing copies
from the copy machine to every worker and every city in the body- Cells, Organs, Systems
“Progression”! If RNA is incompetent or fails to deliver true versions of DNA
and what DNA told it to do, like incompetent Politicians do each day (They ignore what
the people told them to do)? “Mutation” aka Morons, Imbeciles, Idiots!!!
4. What is the role of a cell, generally speaking? Life- Reproduces, Responds to Stimuli,
Grows! Where you “Live”!
a. A Cell is a community made up of Highways, Power Plants, Supervisors, Checks and
Balances- unlike those of the “Constitutionally Warped US”!!!
b. The ER aka Endoplasmic Reticulum is a “Cell Highway” with “Honest”
Traffic Police!
c. The Cell Power Plant is called the “Mitochondria”! It has an enfolded
membrane instead of straight, you enfold more into a thing than you can in a smaller
space attempting to just lay it in! Like getting more in with an “s” then with
an “I” in the same space! “The Most High is larger than just Genius!!!
4. RNA is the CEO, yet there are slackers, the slothful and lazy and workers who get
distracted like what The 1st Adam and Eve did, i.e., RNA was never instructed by Owner
DNA to “Eat of a Forbidden Fruit”! Who told RNA to do ‘Dat? Ans. “A Great
Imposter”!!! What happens when RNA decides to violate what DNA told it to do?
a. “Anything goes”, not considered so- called “Normal”! Satan wants
us to believe what “he” distorted is “Normal” or “A New
Normal”! Before the “Fall”, there was “No” sickness, Deceit,
Liars and yada…! In 2020, Satan makes his Liars aka especially Preacher Apostates and
Politicians seem “Normal” aka up,is down and down is up! What do Sheep do? Ans.
Follow!!! Deep 6 Study and/or Proof! Their proof is “You’re Stupid” enough to
call The Most High a Liar and believe in what you have been deceived to be!
b. We digress, back to “Strictly What is Common Science in 2020”!
5. Question: What happens when you are full of “spirits” aka “Drunk”,
according to Data and Historical accounts? Ans. You will Rape (Some like #45 says,
“Just grab ‘Dem by the p^*#>”, his words, not ours!)! You’ll say things
disrespectful and falsely accuse plus yada…, aka “You no longer represent a
“Sanitized”, clean version of what should be! Ditto for what Satan and his
“spirits” have manufactured in common Fools! They blaspheme, curse and are
Filthy! These have gained in their view via deceit, lies and Filth! This is now the
majority common “world” in 2020! You give respect and honor to Filthy Rappers,
then say- “I don’t know Him”, some say they do but don’t! You worship no
‘Nuttun Athletes (Not all), Politicos and Filthy “Stars” like the ones expelled
from Heaven and their Earthly seed!
6. NewsFlash to Parents- While you are watching Filth, your child is learning it!
You have nothing clean, academic or Spiritual to teach because your parents were the 101
Version! The Most High said Parents should lay up for their children, not the children
for the parents! Instead, you worship and lay up WIC, EBT Cards, Laziness and yada…,
then wonder why and how Filthy Worship and “Slothfulness” is
“Inherited” and eventually become part of your “Legacy of Poverty”,
especially your soul Satan corrupted your DNA! “Anything goes with you now”!!!
Abba Father Peace Out…