A Grim Reminder by Jordan Rock
This situation is not normal. The further away we get from these times, the more horrifying they’ll look in the rearview mirror. Our country is facing a constitutional crisis. Is this a crawl to a coup?
The president wants desperately to be a dictator. He has said so repeatedly and is even on record stating that he will push for a third term because he is “entitled” to it. We have seen time and time again what the president is willing to do in order to grab for power. Is he preparing us for a coup?
Impeached Already!

The House impeached the President. He literally stole the 2016 election – we’ve proven that without a doubt. His staff either resigns or is arrested. Others support his abuse of the law.
Donald Trump is a criminal and a pathological liar. He wants desperately to break the laws of this country over his knee so he can achieve total control. Maybe a sprint instead of a crawl to a coup.
He has support
His base is still fanatical. They care nothing for what he does so long as his actions inflict pain on the people they hate.
That is to say, as long as President Trump brings suffering to anyone that isn’t white, his base will support him, because their creed is white supremacy.
We now have confirmation that Trump lied to the American people about the severity of Covid-19, downplaying it so as not to “create a panic”. The USPS prepared to ship five masks to every household in the United States. But the federal government cancelled the order.
Before that, Trump dismantled all the Obama era protections against a plague such as this. However way you slice it, Donald Trump is now responsible for the deaths of 180,000 Americans and counting.
Under Trump’s eye with the limited restrictions he has, we’ve watched this country utterly fail to deal with a worldwide pandemic. We’ve seen thousands of immigrants (and people that just “look like immigrants”) thrown in concentration camps. And now mass hysterectomies are being performed on women in these camps against their will. This is a tactic of genocide.
We’ve seen the largest ongoing mass protest in the history of the world met with tear gas and pepper spray and sound cannons, causing bedlam on crowds of peaceful protesters.
We’ve seen a rise of white supremacist domestic terrorists, spurred by the words of the president and the support of the conservative media.
Here in Portland, we’ve seen federal agents kidnap people off the street and illegally detain them. We’ve seen journalists attacked for recording the proceedings.
And these feds are here at the behest of the DHS, under Trumps’ orders.
The feds in Portland were only the first stop, as they’ve been deployed across the United States- anywhere that the protests are happening.
And throughout all of this madness, there has been no accountability.
What we are witnessing is a full-blown fascist uprising, and somehow the media isn’t treating it as such.
While many of Trump’s actions are public, we are unaware of what happens behind the scenes. We need to get him out of office. He trails significantly in the polls. Many think he’s going to lose the popular vote again.
But we’re talking about Donald Trump, here. The man who colluded with Russia to break the 2016 election.
Even when he loses, he will hem and haw and sue and do everything he can to stay in office, because in his head, the United States is something he owns; something he is entitled to.
More to the point, the second the man is out of office, he’s got a storm of litigation coming for him. Expect Trump is going to do all he can to maintain his power, because if he doesn’t, the potential consequences could be dire.
On top of that, swathes of Trump’s support base have said in no uncertain terms that they will “take up arms” if he loses.
No matter how the votes swing, the U.S. is in for a fight.
Be prepared for that, boys and girls.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
wow,, what a sad article of gold medal rubish. A volcano of anti-constitution, anti-god, anti-christ, anti-truth, anti-famiy, anti -civility, anti-morality, anti-gratitude, anti-facts.
If people believe this article, it will reveal how easy it is to mislead and deceive masses of people and sell them, allusions, illusions, delusions, and confusions that will cast a spell on the real whole truth which has harmed so many !
Pleeze, Let God show you the reason for America, Pleeze, take a few momnets and listen closely to this ladys “Gold Medal” Gratitude for America. Pleeze.
Do not be beguiled by the Serpent in the Garden,,, who is making war upon the whole world because he hates the people created in the Image and likeness of God, you & me!
sept 21, 2020.
OOOOPPPPPSSS, the link to watch BELOW ,,,
but 1st read, THANKS,
wow,, what a sad article of gold medal rubish. A volcano of anti-constitution, anti-god, anti-christ, anti-truth, anti-famiy, anti -civility, anti-morality, anti-gratitude, anti-facts.
If people believe this article, it will reveal how easy it is to mislead and deceive masses of people and sell them, allusions, illusions, delusions, and confusions that will cast a spell on the real whole truth which has harmed so many !
Pleeze, Let God show you the reason for America, Pleeze, take a few momnets and listen closely to this ladys “Gold Medal” Gratitude for America. Pleeze.
Do not be beguiled by the Serpent in the Garden,,, who is making war upon the whole world because he hates the people created in the Image and likeness of God, you & me!
WATCH THE LINK: ————– PLEEZE —————- ((( o ))) – ((( o ))) amen !
sept 21, 2020.