…another question: If Mexico never paid for the wall, why should we believe that China will pay for the tariffs? So all that really means is that stuff from China costs you more.
Given the way Kamala Harris dominated Donald Trump during the debate, and given the way New York Attorney General Lelita James did the same in court, is it safe to say that Trump has a black woman problem? What would happen if he was left alone in a room with Mayor Latoya Cantrell? Would he come out singing the Sewerage & Water Board’s praises?
I’m confused. If I want advice on fileting my neighbor’s dog, should I consult a Haitian immigrant or a Venezuelan gang member? During Tuesday’s debate, Trump said it was Haitians that were eating people’s pets in Ohio. And that it was a Venezuelan gang terrorizing an apartment complex in Colorado. But on Friday, he said he’d deport the Haitians back to Venezuela.
Question: do all immigrants look alike to Trump or does he only have concepts of them, like his healthcare plan?
A week before the debate, a 14 year-old student went on a rampage with an assault rifle. For some reason, gun control wasn’t a major topic during the debate. Maybe J.D. Vance was right. School shootings are just a fact of life that we live with now.
There were two different Americas on stage Tuesday. One was young, vibrant, and oozing optimism with a smile. The other was old and angry, brooding over a podium in an oversized suit. One encouraged us to move forward together; the other vowed to take us back 300 years.
Related: Did the Trump Harris Debate Move the Needle
Does Kamala Harris want to personally perform transgender surgery on illegal immigrants in prison, or is this just something she’d like to see happen? Trump wasn’t too clear on that during the debate.
Does Trump seem desperate these days? Is he saying more and more outrageous things just to get our attention? If this election was a minstrel show, would he have been asked to wipe off his face and go home by now?

Why can’t he even come up with new names that stick? Laughing Kamala never took off. It’s sad. Has the man once known for coining fake news and assaulting innocent vaginas been reduced to a magician pulling dead rabbits out of a MAGA hat?
What is the most water you’ve ever seen in your life? If you live in California, is it the Pacific ocean or the water that’ll come from the giant faucet Trump says he’ll turn on to fight wildfires?
What does he mean he’ll let the whole state burn if Governor Newsom doesn’t sign certain papers? Is that literal, or just a figurative disregard for human life?
If you’re sitting next to someone and they ask why hasn’t Kamala Harris done anything in office, ask why didn’t Mike Pence or any vice president before him ever do anything in office. Could it be that presidents don’t put their vice president in a position to do anything significant in office? You could also recite the following quote.
“My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” – John Adams on being vice president.
During the debate Trump said he’s been a leader in fertilization. I wonder what Melania thinks of that statement.
There’s not much a single senator can do in a divided Congress. Every grown adult should know that.
Is the greatest deportation America will ever see the one Trump says he’ll impose on illegal immigrants or is it slavery?
How much longer will Trump conflate the former Virginia governor’s quote on late term miscarriages with late term abortions? Is this just lazy or purposeful?
I have another question. Is…