Sen Bill Cassidy -Courage & Consciousness
Where’d Bill Cassidy Get Dat Dere Conscience? Sometimes people do courageous things. And sometimes people do things once thought normal and sensible, but when done in the context of the…
The Source for Independent Thought and Analysis
Where’d Bill Cassidy Get Dat Dere Conscience? Sometimes people do courageous things. And sometimes people do things once thought normal and sensible, but when done in the context of the…
Hey, Brother, What Do You Want With My Car? by Kenneth Cooper I could shoot him in the back of the head if I wanted to. One shot. That’s…
Are you happy with Entergy or the City Council’s regulation? By Kenneth Cooper Hey, do you have a second, not like a literal second, but you know, the general time…
The Good the Bad and the Ugly By Kenneth Cooper “After Ashli was shot in the chest, we bashed a Capitol police officer in the head with a fire extinguisher,…
by Kenneth Cooper To the winner goes the spoils, but not before they control the narrative. Which story will it be? Old school law and order Keva Landrum vs criminal…
Yes, You Can Believe The Hype. by Kenneth Cooper Flashback, early 2020: we should’ve known something was wrong. It was like the universe was trying to tell us something. Identical…
by Kenneth Cooper On my way to church, I can’t figure out which gun to bring. It may not be the same gun I take out to eat afterwards, and…